Miniatur Wunderland

Miniatur Wunderland

Germany, Hamburg

Miniatur Wunderland, Hamburg, Germany

5.0 out of 5

Points of Interest & Landmarks Speciality Museums
8.4°C / 47.1°F

Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Germany, is the world's largest model railway and a fascinating miniature world. Covering over 1,490 square meters, the exhibit features incredibly detailed landscapes, cities, and landmarks, with trains weaving through them. The models include famous places like the Swiss Alps, the Grand Canyon, and bustling cities with intricate details of everyday life. The exhibit also includes various themed sections, such as an airport, a harbor, and a functioning concert hall. Miniatur Wunderland is a labor of love and craftsmanship, with the models featuring thousands of moving parts and dynamic elements. It's a mesmerizing attraction for visitors of all ages, offering a unique perspective on the world in miniature.

Opening Hours:

  • Monday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday: 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM
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Miniatur Wunderland

Miniatur Wunderland, Hamburg, Germany


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