Lion Monument

Lion Monument

Switzerland, Canton of Lucerne

Lion Monument, Lucerne, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland

4.5 out of 5

Monuments & Statues
5.1°C / 41.2°F

Pay tribute to the iconic Lion Monument in Lucerne, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland. This poignant sculpture depicts a dying lion, carved into a rock face as a memorial to the Swiss Guards who lost their lives during the French Revolution. The Lion Monument is a symbol of bravery and sacrifice, and it has become one of Switzerland's most visited landmarks. Visit this powerful monument and take a moment to reflect on its historical significance and artistic beauty.

Opening Hours:

  • Monday: Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday: Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday: Open 24 hours
  • Thursday: Open 24 hours
  • Friday: Open 24 hours
  • Saturday: Open 24 hours
  • Sunday: Open 24 hours
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Lion Monument

Lion Monument, Lucerne, Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland


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