🇬🇱 Greenland

🏔️ Venture into the Land of Ice and Giants! Greenland's majestic icebergs, Arctic wilderness, and Inuit culture will immerse you in a world of untamed beauty. Witness the splendor of the Arctic!

  • Visa Requirements:

    Greenland is an autonomous territory of Denmark. If you require a visa to enter Denmark, you may also need one to visit Greenland. Check the latest visa requirements before traveling.

    Login and add nationality to profile for visa info

  • Currency:

    The official currency of Greenland is the Danish Krone (DKK). Credit cards are accepted in major towns, but it's wise to carry cash in remote areas.

  • Weather:

    Greenland has a polar climate, with extremely cold winters and cool summers. The best time to visit is during the milder summer months.

  • Attractions:

    Explore Greenland's vast wilderness, including its massive glaciers, icebergs, fjords, and unique wildlife like polar bears and whales.

  • Language:

    The official language of Greenland is Greenlandic (Kalaallisut). Danish is also widely spoken, especially in official settings.

  • Transportation:

    Transportation in Greenland is limited to boats, helicopters, and domestic flights. There are no roads connecting towns.

  • Currency:

    Accommodation options in Greenland include hotels, guesthouses, and cozy cabins. In more remote areas, you may find traditional Inuit huts.

  • Cuisine:

    Try traditional Greenlandic cuisine, which includes fish, seal, muskox, and other local ingredients.

  • Safety:

    Greenland is generally safe for travelers, but weather conditions can be harsh. Follow local advice and take precautions during outdoor activities.

  • Festivals:

    Experience Greenlandic culture and traditions through local festivals and celebrations.

  • Health:

    Make sure to have travel insurance that covers medical emergencies. Pack appropriate clothing to stay warm in the Arctic climate.

  • Shopping:

    Purchase handmade crafts and artwork, including intricate soapstone carvings and colorful textiles.

  • Outdoor Activities:

    Greenland offers exceptional opportunities for activities like iceberg cruises, dog sledding, hiking, and Northern Lights viewing.

  • Internet:

    Internet access is limited and may not be available in remote areas.

  • Events:

    Stay informed about local events and cultural festivities during your time in Greenland.

  • Photography:

    Capture the breathtaking Arctic landscapes and unique wildlife through photography.

  • Conservation:

    Respect the fragile Arctic environment and wildlife. Follow guidelines for responsible tourism and wildlife viewing.

  • Local Customs::

    Learn about the local Inuit customs and traditions. Be respectful of the culture and avoid sensitive topics.

  • Emergency Contacts:

    Save the emergency contact numbers for local authorities and your embassy or consulate.

  • Local Apps and Resources:

    Carry physical maps and guidebooks, as digital resources may not always be reliable in remote areas.

  • Sustainable Travel Tips:

    Practice Leave No Trace principles and support local Inuit communities by purchasing their handmade crafts.

  • Local Etiquett:

    When visiting local communities, it's polite to ask for permission before taking photos and to remove shoes when entering homes.

Top Attractions