🇺🇸 United States

🗽 Unravel the Land of Dreams and Freedom! The USA's iconic landmarks, diverse cities, and cinematic landscapes will take you on a journey of endless possibilities. Experience the American dream!

  • Visa Requirements:

    The United States requires visitors from many countries to obtain a visa before entry. Check the U.S. Department of State website for the latest visa requirements based on your nationality.

    Login and add nationality to profile for visa info

  • Currency:

    The official currency of the United States is the United States Dollar (USD). Credit cards are widely accepted, and ATMs are readily available.

  • Weather:

    The United States has diverse climates, ranging from tropical in Florida to arctic in Alaska. Check the weather for the specific regions you plan to visit.

  • Attractions:

    Explore the iconic landmarks of the United States, such as the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, and the Golden Gate Bridge. Experience the vibrant cities and cultural attractions.

  • Language:

    English is the primary language spoken in the United States.

  • Transportation:

    Getting around the United States can be done by plane, train, bus, or car. Public transportation options vary by city.

  • Currency:

    The United States offers a wide range of accommodation options, including hotels, motels, vacation rentals, and hostels.

  • Cuisine:

    Experience the diverse cuisine of the United States, influenced by various cultures. Try regional specialties like New York pizza and Southern barbecue.

  • Safety:

    The United States is generally safe for travelers, but it's essential to take general precautions against theft and be aware of local laws and regulations.

  • Festivals:

    Experience the lively festivals and events across the United States, such as Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Independence Day celebrations.

  • Health:

    Medical facilities in the United States are of high quality but can be expensive for non-residents. It's essential to have travel insurance.

  • Shopping:

    Shop in the diverse retail outlets and malls across the United States, known for their variety of products and brands.

  • Outdoor Activities:

    The United States offers a wide range of outdoor activities, from hiking in national parks to surfing on the coasts.

  • Internet:

    Internet access is widely available throughout the United States.

  • Events:

    Stay updated on local events and festivals happening during your visit to the United States.

  • Photography:

    Capture the iconic landmarks and stunning landscapes of the United States through photography.

  • Conservation:

    Respect the natural beauty and wildlife in the national parks and protected areas.

  • Local Customs::

    The United States is a diverse country with various customs and traditions. Be respectful and open-minded towards cultural differences.

  • Emergency Contacts:

    In case of emergencies, dial 911 (general emergency number) or the local emergency number depending on your location.

  • Local Apps and Resources:

    Download travel apps like 'Visit the USA' for travel tips and local information.

  • Sustainable Travel Tips:

    Choose eco-friendly activities and support local businesses that promote sustainability.

  • Local Etiquett:

    Tipping is customary in the United States, especially in restaurants and for certain services.

Top Attractions